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CSR Management

CSR Management (Targets/Plans and Results)

CSR Management (Targets/Plans and Results)


CSR Management (Targets/Plans and Results)

What makes Muratec’s corporate activities possible is the relationship of trust between its various stakeholders—the customers, suppliers, vendors, employees and their families, the regional environment, and local communities—as well as with society as a whole.
In order to continue functioning as an entity trusted and needed by all our stakeholders, we will endeavor to justify their confidence and expectations in us, and in other words meet the demands society makes through our corporate activities.

Primary Challenges

We conduct activities based on specific action plans by establishing the theme and targets for each CSR challenge.
In the future as well, we will strive to make continuous improvements by employing various management approaches to achieve these targets.

Targets/Plans and Results

[Result: (evaluation)]・・・✓=Achieved, △=Partially achieved, ✕=Unachieved
Global Environment
  • Environmental management system
    Targets and results for the fiscal year ended in March 2022
    •  Implement company-wide environmental training and internal auditor training courses on a regular basis.
      【Result:✓】Implemented company-wide environmental e-learning courses, in which 4,576 employees participated in total.
    • Conduct communication meetings with the central environmental office and site environmental offices on a continuous basis.
      【Result:✓】 Conducted communication meetings with the central environmental office and site environmental offices to share challenges with site offices four times.

    Targets and results for the fiscal year ending in March 2023

    • Implement company-wide environmental training and internal auditor training courses on a regular basis.
    • Conduct communication meetings with the central environmental office and site environmental offices on a continuous basis.
  • Reduce the environmental impact in business activities
    Targets and results for the fiscal year ended in March 2022
    • Reduce the total CO2 emissions by 18% compared to the fiscal year ended in March 2018 (base year) by 2030
      【Result:×】 The total CO2 emissions is increased by 11% compared to the fiscal year ended in March 2018 (base year).
    • Reduce the water resource usage per unit production by 3% compared to the fiscal year ended in March 2018 (base year) by 2030
      【Result:✓】 The water resource usage per unit production is reduced by 10% compared to the fiscal year ended in March 2018 (base year). .
    • Reduce the total amount of waste generated by 5% compared to the fiscal year ended in March 2018 (base year) by 2030
      【Result:×】The total amount of waste generated is increased by 5% compared to the fiscal year ended in March 2018 (base year).
    • Reduce the VOC emissions per unit production by 3% compared to the fiscal year ended in March 2018 (base year) by 2030
      【Result:✓】The VOC emissions per unit production is reduced by 21% compared to the fiscal year ended in March 2018 (base year).

    Targets and results for the fiscal year ending in March 2023

    • Reduce the total CO2 emissions by 18% compared to the fiscal year ended in March 2018 (base year) by 2030
    • Reduce the water resource usage per unit production by 3% compared to the fiscal year ended in March 2018 (base year) by 2030
    • Reduce the total amount of waste generated by 5% compared to the fiscal year ended in March 2018 (base year) by 2030
    • Reduce the VOC emissions per unit production by 3% compared to the fiscal year ended in March 2018 (base year) by 2030
  • Promotion of CSR in the supply chain
    Targets and results for the fiscal year ended in March 2022
    • Continue to enhance information sharing with suppliers in order to avoid the risks related to parts procurement in the supply chain.
      【Result:✓】 Conducted CSR questionnaire surveys for suppliers and 99 suppliers responded. Also, worked with suppliers to check the status of the environmental impact and BCP activities.

    Targets and results for the fiscal year ending in March 2023

    • Continue to enhance information sharing with suppliers in order to avoid the risks related to parts procurement in the supply chain.
  • Improvement of work-life balance
    Targets and results for the fiscal year ended in March 2022
    • Hold a labor management session on a regular basis.
      【Result:✓】 Held two labor management sessions online, in which 444 employees participated. Also, held sessions at Tokyo branch, Osaka office and Ise Factory as needed.
    • Work to record working hours objectively on a continuous basis in order to ensure appropriate working hours.
      【Result:△】 Still continuing to work to record working hours objectively.
    • Make efforts such as hearing survey on working hours in cooperation with the general affairs of offices and plants, aiming to reduce long working hours.
      【Result:×】Failed to conduct voluntary efforts such as hearing survey on working hours.
    • Review remote working systems and related systems to support flexible ways of working.
      【Result:✓】 Reviewed the remote working system and removed the restriction on the number of days. Also, reviewed the flexible working hours system and removed the criteria for childcare or caregiving.
    • Continuously work to encourage employees to take paid leave and achieve the following two targets in order to comply with the new law that mandates use of paid leave:
      1) the rate of paid leave use needs to reach 70% or higher in the fiscal year ending in March 2022.
      2) all employees need to use 5 or more days off as annual paid leave this fiscal year.
      【Result:△】 The rate of paid leave use in the fiscal year ending in March 2022 was a little less than 60%. The target that all employees use 5 or more days off as annual paid leave was achieved this fiscal year again.

    Targets and results for the fiscal year ending in March 2023

    • Hold a labor management session on a regular basis.
    • Consolidate tools to understand working hours objectively in order to ensure appropriate working hours, and make efforts such as hearing survey on working hours in cooperation with the general affairs of offices and plants.
    • Develop rules and make efforts to support flexible ways of working and employee's health and safety.
    • Keep encouraging employees to take paid leave, and achieve 60% or more of the rate of paid leave use at worst in the fiscal year ending in March 2023, approximately 70% in the fiscal year ending in March 2025, and 5 or more days off as annual paid leave used by all employees next fiscal year again.
  • Promotion of diversity and inclusion (a comfortable workplace for workers from diverse backgrounds)
    Targets and results for the fiscal year ended in March 2022
    • Follow conduction of the action plans of the third and fourth phases of the D&I promotion project to continue to promote D&I corporate wide.
      【Result:✓】Followed conduction of the action plans of the third and fourth phases of the D&I promotion project to promote D&I.
    • Conduct harassment prevention seminars for managers on a continuous basis to promote creation of harassment free workplaces.
      【Result:✓】Conducted harassment prevention seminars for managers on a continuous basis (376 employees participated) to promote creation of harassment free workplaces.
    • Conduct follow-up sessions for first to third term graduates of WLP (Women's Leadership Program) to develop women leaders and support their further career.
      【Result:✓】Conducted follow-up sessions for the first to third term graduates of WLP (Women's Leadership Program) to develop women leaders, providing opportunities for each employee to think about their future career.
    • Conduct balance support seminars for both of male and female employees to encourage men to participate in child-rearing.
      【Result:✓】 Conducted balance support seminars for both of male and female employees (31 employees participated including 19 male employees) to encourage men to participate in child-rearing.
    • Conduct online seminars with a theme of caregiving to support a good balance between work and caregiving.
      【Result:✓】 Conducted online seminars with a theme of caregiving (about 230 employees participated) to provide opportunities to learn a good balance between work and caregiving.
    • Consider and re-examine a pleasant working environment for LGBTQ employees on both hardware and software aspects.
      【Result:✓】 Considered and re-examined a pleasant working environment for LGBTQ employees on both hardware and software aspects and received Bronze in PRIDE Index 2021.

    Targets and results for the fiscal year ending in March 2023

    • Plan the fifth phases of the D&I promotion project, follow conduction of the action plans, and plan and conduct a D&I event, in which all employees participate to continue to promote D&I corporate wide.
    • Conduct harassment prevention seminars for managers on a continuous basis to promote creation of harassment free workplaces.
    • Conduct the fifth term of WLP (Women's Leadership Program) to develop women leaders to raise awareness and improve skills to provide leadership.
    • Notify and provide education about childcare leave system according to legal revision in order to encourage men to take childcare leave and participate in child-rearing.
    • Conduct online seminars with a theme of caregiving to support a good balance between work and caregiving.
    • Consider and re-examine a pleasant working environment for LGBTQ employees on both hardware and software aspects and receive Silver in PRIDE Index 2022.
  • Ensure occupational health and safety
    Targets and results for the fiscal year ended in March 2022
    • Provide training on self-care and line care (care overseen by line managers) on a continuous basis to prevent mental health problems.
      【Result:✓】 Conducted stress management e-learning courses for employees and temporary workers in their first year as self-care training, in which 523 employees participated. Conducted a labor management session as line care training, in which 444 employees participated. Conducted a feedback training on the result of the stress check for managers, in which 97 employees participated.
    • Conduct health seminars in order to raise health awareness and improve lifestyle habits.
      【Result:✓】 Conducted online RIZAP seminars for all employees, in which 200 employees participated. Implemented health e-learning courses, in which 5222 employees participated.
    • Encourage to visit a clinic or hospital as a follow-up for those who have some findings in the regular health checkup for early detection and treatment of diseases.
      【Result:✓】Encouraged to visit a clinic or hospital as a follow-up for those who have some findings in the regular health checkup. Eighty-eight percent of applicable employees submitted a report.
    • Acquire ISO45001 certification at Minokamo site of Murata Tools, an affiliate company located in Inuyama Plant.
      【Result:✓】Acquired ISO45001 certification at Minokamo site of Murata Tools, an affiliate company located in Inuyama Plant.
    • Work to prevent infection by vaccination, etc., on a continuous basis.
      【Result:✓】Offered influenza vaccination at 8 locations and Covid-19 workplace vaccination at 3 locations.

    Targets and results for the fiscal year ending in March 2023

    • Continue providing training on mental health care and how we build the action plan according to the result of the stress checks.
    • Conduct health seminars and health e-learning courses in order to raise health awareness and improve lifestyle habits.
    • Introduce health apps and quit-smoking programs in order to prevent diseases and improve lifestyle habits.
    • Encourage to visit a clinic or hospital as a follow-up for those who have some findings in the regular health checkup on a continuous basis for early detection and treatment of diseases.
    • Conduct risk assessment WEB education at Inuyama Plant in order to proactively prevent occupational injuries.
    • Work to prevent infection by vaccination, etc., on a continuous basis.
  • Support the development of the next generation through business activities
    Targets and results for the fiscal year ended in March 2022
    • Support industry-government-academia collaboration projects and hold manufacturing classes.
      【Result:✓】 Supported industry-government-academia collaboration projects and held manufacturing classes at offices and plants.

    Targets and results for the fiscal year ending in March 2023

    • Support industry-government-academia collaboration projects and hold manufacturing classes.
Corporate Governance
  • Maintain ethical standards
    Targets and results for the fiscal year ended in March 2022
    • Provide training courses on compliance on a continuous basis. (implement e-learning courses twice a year, post articles on compliance monthly and conduct seminars)
      ・Conducted compliance e-learning courses for all employees twice a year.
      ・Posted articles for compliance on the internal portal monthly, which was subscribed by 72% of the employees monthly or once in several months.
      ・Conducted compliance seminars for the entire group, in which 177 employees participated in total.
    • Introduce a compliance consciousness survey questionnaire, and build a framework for analysis and improvement of the activity outcomes.
      【Result:✓】 Conducted a compliance consciousness survey questionnaire, and built a framework for analysis and improvement of the activity outcomes.
    • Work to activate internal communications by internal compliance committee members and offices. (Conduct seminars for and hearing from committee members)
      ・Conducted a seminar for compliance committee members, in which 47 members participated.
      ・Started hearing survey for compliance committee members in tern to hear about situations and challenges in each business unit.
    • Conduct internal governance audits and provide guidance for correcting problematic audit results.
      【Result:✓】 Conducted internal audits on nine sets of governance and provided guidance for correcting problematic audit results.

    Targets and results for the fiscal year ending in March 2023

    • Provide training courses on compliance on a continuous basis. (implement e-learning courses twice a year, post articles on compliance monthly and conduct seminars)
    • Conduct a compliance consciousness survey questionnaire on a continuous basis, analyze the activity outcomes and implement improvements.
    • Work to activate internal communications by internal compliance committee members and offices. (Conduct seminars for and hearing from committee members)
    • Conduct internal governance audits and provide guidance for correcting problematic audit results.
  • Improve the risk management system
    Targets and results for the fiscal year ended in March 2022
    • Conduct exercises across business units, offices and plants including group companies to improve the effectiveness of BCP.
      【Result:✓】 Conducted e-learning courses on BCP for the head office, Inuyama Plant, Ise Factory, Kaga Factory, Kisshoin Factory, MMC Shiga Factory, MMC Oita Factory and Minokamo site of Murata Tools, in which 4,490 employees participated. Conducted a "drill across offices and plants" for sharing information with and requesting support from other plants and factories on the assumption of earthquakes.
    • Continue to share our thoughts about BCP with suppliers.
      【Result:✓】 Conducted questionnaire surveys for 110 suppliers and 99 suppliers responded (response rate: 89%).

    Targets and results for the fiscal year ending in March 2023

    • Conduct exercises across business units, offices and plants including group companies to improve the effectiveness of BCP.
    • Continue to share our thoughts about BCP with suppliers.
  • Respect of human rights
    Targets and results for the fiscal year ended in March 2023
    • Launch and conduct a project on human rights DD in order to respond to the international demand.